Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

Daily Disposable Contact Lenses India

The whole intention behind designing daily disposable contact lenses is that they should be worn for a single day only and then get rid off them, resulting into ultimate convenience for the contact lens wearer without extensive cleaning procedures. These lenses are considered the safest and healthiest type of contact lenses because the use of a fresh pair of lenses every day minimizes the chance for build-up of harmful pathogens on the surface of the lens. In lenskart.com, each of the major US contact lens manufacturers is offering a daily disposable contact - Johnson and Johnson lenses with the Acuvue 1-day, Ciba Vision lenses with the Focus Dailies and Bausch & Lomb with the Soflens One-Day. If you want to wear daily-disposable contact lenses full-time, you need about 360 pairs of lenses in a year.

Disposable Contact Lens Prices

Though these lenses do not cost you much on a unit basis than conventional lenses, but by the time you purchase a years supply, if you are among those consumers who are still buying their lenses at the doctors office, you can easily shell out around Rs. 30,000 per year. Even keeping in mind the savings on solutions and cases, this is still a significant expense. This is one area where lenskart.com really comes to your rescue - with handsome savings and the convenience of direct home delivery. Many people are finding that endless trips to their doctors office to collect more lenses simply neither economic nor convenient. For them and the others who will follow them in future, lenskart.com is here.

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